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Exciting News

Stellenbosch Cape Town South Africa

Robert gets a DAAD Stipend

August 2024

Robert got a PROMOS (Programm zur Steigerung der Mobilität von Studierenden) from the prestigious German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to travel to South Africa and do one of his practical year trimesters. He will continue work on obesity an will keep in close contact with the lab. Very proud of his achievment. We'll soon celebrate his first paper too. Keep up the cool work!


Akhil graduated his PhD

April, 2024

Exciting moment. On 10.04.2024 Akhil graduated his PhD with magna cum laude. We will surely keep in touch since we are still working on common projects. It is a great feeling to see our lab family gowing up. Huge congrats, go rock the science!

Image by National Cancer Institute

Moritz was awarded a Stipend

Oktober 2022

We are very happy for Moritz who was successful in his stipend application. This is well deserved!


July 2023


The project from Moritz receives support from the Roland Ernst Foundation. Congrats again!


New lab member joining our group soon

Starting October 2022

Moritz Paha is an MD candidate student who will join our efforts to decipher pathomechaisms underlyig WDFY3-related NDD sarting October this year. Very thankful to Anna Kirstein and Antje Garten for their great support and wonderful collaboration that is extending over multiple projects. We will be using SH-SY5Y human neurolastoma cells...pretty close to my in vitro neuronal cell cultures start in research. Looking forward to have this new project on our dashboard.


Transcriptome profiling of individuals with 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome

April 2021 – August 2022

Based on blood gene expression profiles overlapping with differentially expressed genes in brains of a 15q13.3 microdeletion mouse model we suggest that altered gene expression occurs early in the brain development. We suggest that the hypervariable phenotype may be related to an increased vulnerability towards inflammatory and immune insults, which when triggered during development, leads to more severe neurologic symptoms. Read more in our publication


Comparative genomics of the ancient Steller's sea cow genome

September 2019 – February 2022

We identified pathways and genes involved in body size and lipid storage by comparing the genomes of the ancient Steller’s sea cow, possibly the largest recent non-cetacean mammal, to the ones of the modern smaller sirenians, the dugong and the manatee. The major finding of this project was the inactivation of ALOXE3 and ALOX12B genes, which in humans cause ichthyosis, a phenotype similar to the bark-like skin of Steller's sea cow. Read more in our pulication


R-Shiny app to facilitate tissue choice for RNA-seq based diagnosis

January 2020 – November 2021

PTEE allows exploration of RNA-seq shortcomings and the identification of accesible tissues which can be collected from the patient in order to increase the success rate of RNA-seq based diagnosis and gene discovery. Read more in our publication

Online tool can be found at

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©2021 by Le Duc Lab.

Views are my own and do not reflect my employer's position.


Supported by:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung

Roland Ernst-Stiftung

Universität Leipzig

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